Our Team
Practical and knowledgeable key industry leaders, chasing stimulation.
sean rieflin : OWNER
Sean has 15+ years of food and beverage experience. Sean served as the opening executive chef of www.167raw.com in Charleston, South Carolina. Sean has led kitchen teams through over 30 million dollars in revenue. He has decided to offer his skills across the country after working as a restaurant advisor for privately held businesses for more than 15 years. He develops sound strategies to translate his vision into reality. Sean recognizes the opportunities that weave through a company and brings them together into a coherent whole, assisting others in expanding their perspectives and generating real financial advantage. Sean has been in charge of multimillion-dollar kitchen operations. He is a nominated Eater Young Gun semifinalist. His strategic expertise spans food sourcing, system administration, kitchen organization, and culinary development.
Jacob has 8+ years of finance experience. Jacob manages Adroit.Co financial department through his company www.accountingbyproxy.com
Sam Norton : bUSINESS strategy CONSULTANT
Sam has 10+ years food and beverage business experience. Sam is the current President of www.heronfarms.com in Charleston South Carolina.
Alex Rieflin : dESIGN coNSULTANT
Alex has 10 years of graphic design experience. Alex has designed for some of the world’s biggest brands. He gained much of his design prowess working for Elon Musk at www.tesla.com view some of his work now at www.rieflindesign.com